Now showing items 482-501 of 1189

    • Povezanost optimizma-pesimizma, nade i zadovoljstva životom kod studenata. 

      Pavićević, Miljana S.; Stoševski, Ana Z. (Filozofski fakultet Niš, 2019)
      Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita odnos optimizma–pesimizma, nade i zadovoljstva životom kod studenata, kao i razlike ovih glavnih varijabli u odnosu na sociodemografskim varijablama (pol, uspeh ...
    • Power Flow in Graded-Index Plastic Optical Fibers 

      Savović, Svetislav; Simović, Ana; Drljača, Branko; Djordjevich, Alexandar; Stepniak, Grzegorz; Bunge, Christian Alexander; Bajić, Jovan (IEEE, 2019-07-03)
      A method is proposed for predicting the evolution of the power distribution along graded-index plastic optical fibers. This method is verified against our recently reported measurements. The strong influence of mode coupling ...
    • Power flow in multimode step-index plastic photonic crystal fibers 

      Savović, Svetislav; Kovačević, Milan; Drljača, Branko; Simović, Ana; Kuzmanović, Ljubica; Djordjevich, Alexandar (Elsevier, 2021-08-21)
      We investigate the state of mode coupling in a multimode step-index plastic photonic crystal fiber (SI PPCF) with a solid-core by solving the time-independent power flow equation. For various arrangements of air-holes, ...
    • Power flow in multimode W-type plastic optical fibers with graded index core distribution 

      Simović, Ana; Djordjevich, Alexandar; Drljača, Branko; Savović, Svetislav (Elsevier, 2021-06-11)
      A method is proposed for investigation of transmission along a multimode W-type (doubly clad) plastic optical fiber (POF) with graded index (GI) distribution of the core. The multimode W-type GI POF is designed from a ...
    • Power flow in radial distribution systems in the presence of harmonics 

      Milovanović, Miloš; Radosavljević, Jordan; Perović, Bojan; Dragičević, Milorad (IJEEC - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING, 2019-03)
      This paper presents the results of power flow calculations in the presence of harmonics in radial distribution systemsobtained using the decoupled harmonic power flow (DHPF) algorithm. In this algorithm, the interaction ...
    • Predicting the Development of Voluntary Pension Funds in Serbia by Applying the Mathematical Method of Linear Regression 

      Randjelovic, Branislav; Radojkovic, Ivan D.; Gajic, Boban (Развојна и привредна агенција Вараждин, Хрватска, 2021)
      The introduction of private pension funds, which operate with the state pension fund, is the essence of the reform of the pension system in Serbia. Private pension funds are based on voluntary benefits. Thus, the functioning ...
    • Prediction of social well-being on the basis of value orientations of students of different professional direction 

      Keljanović, Anđela D. (Beograd: Filozofski fakultet, 2018)
      The aim of the research was to determine whether there is a possibility of prediction of well-being based on value orientations of students of different professional orientations. In addition, we wanted to examine the ...
    • Prediction of visitors' thermal comfort in open urban areas 

      Galjak, Jovana; Đokić, Jelena; Jović, Srđan (Zastita Materijala, 2018-01)
      Thermal sensation of visitors could be important indicator for urban spaces based on physiological, psychological and behavioural conditions of the visitors. Therefore in this article thermal comfort ...

      Илић, Данијела; Мирковић, Момчило (Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина,, 0350-8773, 2018., 2019-11-29)
      Uvod: Najčešći uzroci morbiditeta mladih koji imaju dalekosežan uticaj na zdravlјe, razvoj i celokupan život odrasle osobe su poremećaji nastali kao posledica rizičnog ponašanja. Cilj: Osnovni cilj rada bio je da se ...

      Мирковић, Момчило; Илић, Данијела (Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина, 2019-11-29)
      Uvod: Najčešći uzroci morbiditeta mladih koji imaju dalekosežan uticaj na zdravlјe, razvoj i celokupan život odrasle osobe su poremećaji nastali kao posledica rizičnog ponašanja. Cilj: Osnovni cilj rada bio je da se ...
    • Preparation and characterization of phosphatetungsten bronze doped with iron from heteropoly salts as precursors 

      Ацковић, Јована
      Heteropolies of acids and salts heteropolises of acids can also be used as starting materials for the production of tungsten bronzes. These bronzes have a specific structure that results from the collapse of the Kegin anion ...
    • Presence of Tannerella forsythia in patients with chronic periodontal disease and atherosclerosis 

      Илић, Александара (Vojnosanitetski Pregled, MILITARY MEDICAL ACAD-INI, 2020)
      Background/Aim. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease that occur in the tissues surrounding the teeth in re- sponse to bacterial biofilm accumulation (dental plaque). Among others, Tannerela forsythia (Tf) ...

      Илић, Александара (Тимочки медицински гласник, 2019)
      Summary: Background/Aim. Early childhood caries (ECC) is an infectious multifactorial disease, which involves the presence of caries on any deciduous teeth in children up to the age of 71 months, and begins through a ...
    • Prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae isolated from intrahospital patients in Serbia 

      Ćirić S., S. S. Ćirić, D. I. Stanišić, B. N. Milošević, Z. Ž. Ilić, Z. Lj. Spasić Stanišić D., Milošević B., Ilić Z., Spasić Z.
      The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) production in hospital strains of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from various clinical specimens (urine, blood and wound ...
    • Prevencija nasilja u savremenoj porodici 

      Minić, Vesna Lj.; Budimir Ninković, Gordana P.; Marjanović, Džeraldina Š. (Centar modernih znanja, Banja Luka, 2022)
      Savremena porodica je nastala kao rezultat promena u drustvu. To se odrazilo i na funkcije porodice. Porodica je jedinstvena drustvena grupa, ”organizacija” koja podstice razvoj celovite ličnosti, pruţajući uslove za ...
    • Pritisak na rečne obale i njihova transformacija usled izgradnje vikendica i sojenica: slučaj Savskog nasipa (Beograd). 

      Vagić, Nemanja; Ristić, Dušan (Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu- Geografski fakultet, 2020-11-10)
      Na prostorima neposredno uz reke, zbog hidroloških, ekoloških i bezbednosnih razloga, kao i zakonskih odredbi, načela i principa planiranja, najčešće nije dozvoljena gradnja. Planska dokumenta ove prostore uglavnom definišu ...
    • Problematic internet use and Facebook use among adolescents 

      Јовић, Јелена; Ћорац, Александар (31st ECNP Congress - Barcelona 2018, 2018)
      Background: Despite the fact that Internet use may lead to a wide spectrum of different disorders, Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has still not been included in classifications of mental disorders. Also, more and more ...
    • Problematic Internet use, academic achievement and socioeconomic status 

      Јовић, Јелена; Ћорац, Александар (Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018)
      Background: Problematic Internet use (PIU) encompasses various online activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between PIU, academic achievement and socioeconomic status among adolescents in ...
    • Problematic Internet use, academic achievement and socioeconomic status 

      Јовић, Јелена; Ћорац, Александар (Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018-04-23)
      Problematic Internet use (PIU) encompasses various online activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between PIU, academic achievement and socioeconomic status among adolescents in Serbia. ...

      Мирковић, Момчило (Praxis medica, Медицински факултет Приштина,, 0350-8773, 2018., 2019-11-29)
      Uvod: Svetska zdravstvena organizacuja definiše mentalno zdravlje kao: „stanje zadovoljstva u kojem pojedinac realizuje sopstvene sposobnosti, može da se izbori sa uobičajenim životnim stresovima, može da radi produktivno i ...