Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Ceramics, Materials, Microelectronics and Graph Theory new Frontiers 

      Randjelović, Branislav M.; Mitić, Vojislav V.; Ribar, Srdjan; Lu, Chun-An; Radovic, Ivana; Stajcic, Aleksandar; Novakovic, Igor; Vlahovic, Branislav (World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC), Сингапур, 2020)
      This research is focused on further developing of application and use of graph theory in order to describe relations between grains and to establish control over layers. We used functionalized BaTiO3 nanoparticles coated ...
    • Mathematical Approach to Distant Correlations of Physical Observables and Its Fractal Generalisation 

      Ilić, Ivana D.; Visnjić, Jelena M.; Mitić, Vojislav V.; Randjelović, Branislav; Ćirić, Luka D. (МДПИ Базел, Швајцарска, 2022)
      In this paper, the new mathematical correlation of two quantum systems that were initially allowed to interact and then separated is being formulated and analyzed. These correlations are illustrated by many examples and ...
    • Missing Data Samples: Systematization And Conducting Methods - A Review 

      Ilić, Ivana D.; Višnjić, Jelena M.; Randjelović, Branislav M.; Mitić, Vojislav V. (Универзитет у Нишу, Србија, 2021)
      This paper investigates the phenomenon of the incomplete data samples by analyzing their structure and also resolves the necessary procedures regularly used in missing data analysis. The research gives a crucial perceptive ...
    • Sintering Temperature Influence On Grains Function Distribution By Neural Network Application 

      Mitić, Vojislav V.; Ribar, Srdjan N.; Randjelović, Branislav M.; Lu, Chun-An; Hwu, Reuben; Vlahović, Branislav D.; Fecht, Hans J. (Институт ВИНЧА, Универзитет у Београду, Србија, 2022)
      Artificial neural networks application in science and techonology begun during 20th century. This biophysical and biomimetic phenomena is based on extensive research which have led to understanding how neural as a living ...
    • Thermal Parameters Defined With Graph Theory Approach in Synthetized Diamonds 

      Mitić, Vojislav V.; Randjelović, Branislav M.; Ribar, Srdjan N.; Čebela, Maria Ž.; Mohr, Markus; Vlahović, Branislav D.; Fecht, Hans J. (Институт ВИНЧА, Универзитет у Београду, Србија, 2022)
      The Nanocrystaline diamonds are very important biomedical material with variety of applications. The experimental procedures and results have been done in the Institute of Functional Nanosystems at the University Ulm, ...