Главна колекција / Main Collection: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 269
Figurative numbers contribution in perceiving the legality in numerous strings tasks and log-term memory of numerous data
(Modestum, 2019-01-27)Contemporary mathematics teaching is mostly reduced to the application of algebraic formulas and algebraic procedures. The visual-logical approach in solving mathematical tasks is very little represented in teaching ... -
Raspodela ambijentalnog doznog ekvivalenta gama zračenja u ruralnim sredinama
(Društvo fizičara Srbije, Beograd, 2018-10-07)Prirodno pozadinsko zračenje koje se registuje u normalnim uslovima potiče od kosmičkog zračenjai prirodnih radionuklida, a zavisi od geologije tla i nadmorske visine mernog mesta, pa je karakteristično za neki prostor. ... -
Nanospectroscopy of thiacyanine dye molecules adsorbed on silvernanoparticle clusters
(Elsevier, 2017-10-25)The adsorption of thiacyanine dye molecules on citrate-stabilized silver nanoparticle clusters drop-cast onto freshly cleaved mica or highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces is examined using colocalized surface-enhanced ... -
Green synthesis and characterization of nontoxic L-methionine capped silver and gold nanoparticles
(Elsevier, 2019-12-11)The simple green method for synthesis of stable L-Methionine (L-Met) capped silver (Ag@LM NPs) and gold (Au@LM NPs) nanoparticles (NPs) without adding any additional reduction agent or stabilizer was developed. Colloidal ... -
Security and Standardization at E-learning platforms
(2021-07-01)The process of developing e-learning is based on standards in the field of information security (ISO) and learning technologies (IEEE, IMS), and criteria for quality assurance have been taken as input parameters. The overall ... -
“Soft Protein Corona” as the Stabilizer of the Methionine-Coated Silver Nanoparticles in the Physiological Environment: Insights into the Mechanism of the Interaction
(MDPI, 2022-08-11)The study of the interactions between nanoparticles (NPs) and proteins has had a pivotal role in facilitating the understanding of biological effects and safe application of NPs after exposure to the physiological ... -
Solid-State Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Application in Methylene Blue Reduction
(Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2020-09-08)The silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were successfully synthesized by a facile solid-state chemical method. Ag NPs were obtained by a mechanochemical reaction between silver nitrate and sodium citrate, with the constant ... -
Flexibility of curves on a single-sheet hyperboloid
Hyperbolic towers are towers in the shape of a single-sheet hyperboloid, and they are interesting in architecture. In this paper, we deal with the infinitesimal bending of a curve on a hyperboloid of one sheet; that is, we ... -
Einstein type curvature tensors and Einstein type tensors of generalized Riemannian space in the Eisenhart sense
By using decomposition of curvature tensors of generalized Riemannian space in the Eisenhart sense, the Einstein type curvature tensors and Einstein type tensors of that space are determined and defined. All these tensors ... -
Computing support for testing equal values of the figurative numbers in the Pascal triangle
(Proceedings of the 7th Technium Conference 2020, 2020-09-15)In this paper we deal with a method for the determination of numbers in a Pascal triangle that are simultaneously triangular, tetrahedral and pentaedroidni. The collected results, obtained by mathematical analysis, were ... -
Computing Support in Statistical Evaluation of Mathematics Teaching Effectiveness: Development of Students’ Constructive Thinking
(Technium, 2020-06-15)One of the main tasks in teaching mathematics is to develop students’ constructive thinking. In order to effectively accomplish this task, it is necessary to make a good selection of instructional materials and teaching ... -
Analiza uticaja različitih građevinskih materijala na nivo radona u kućama starije gradnje
(Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča―Društvo za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 2019-10-04)Грађевински материјали (гранит, песак, шљунак, камен, и др.) садрже природне радионуклиде пореклом из земље. Да би анализирали утицај грађевинских материјала на концентрацију радона у објектима старије градње, спроведено ... -
Dominating sets on the rhomboidal cactus chains andthe icosahedral network
(2020-03-18)In this paper, we deal with the dominating set and the domination number of rhomboidal cactus chains. We determine minimum dominating sets and domination numbers of two special types of rhomboidal cactus chains, meta and ... -
Analysis of adaptive e‐learning systems with adjustment of Felder‐Silverman model in a Moodle DLS
(Wiley, 2020-05-07)E‐learning, as a complex system, includes distance learning, teaching materials in various forms and shapes, group and individual learning processes, as well as interactive and tutorial work. To increase the effectiveness ... -
(Управљање знањем - Зборници, 2020-01-13)Ово је концептуални рад на проучавању употребе електронских уџбеника (е-уџбеник) као алата за е-учење. Истраживачки рад разматра литературу о основним концептима е- уџбеника. У раду се разматрају и анализирају ранија ... -
Savremene tehnologije i vizuelno-logički pristup u nastavi matematike
(2020-07-20)Poslednjih godina je uočljiva povećana primena informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija i matematičkog softvera u nastavi matematike. Mnogobrojna istraživanja efikasnosti matematičkog učenja su pokazala opravdanost i korisnost ... -
(4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, SELECTED PAPERS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 2020-09-03)Numerous researches in the previous period have shown the effectiveness of mathematical learning with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and mathematical software packages. Also, through theoretical ... -
E-Learning in Higher Education – An Overview of Strategic Planning
(2019-10-03)Implementation of E-Learning is one of the ways of applying modern information technologies to achieve a high quality of higher education. The transition of higher education institutions towards E-Learning should be an ... -
(Univerzitetska misao - časopis za nauku, kulturu i umjetnost, Novi Pazar, 2018-05-01)Savremena nastava matematike na svim nivoima obrazovanja uglavnom se svodi na primenu algebarskih formula i algebarskih postupaka. Vizuelno-logički pristup sagledavanju i rešavanju matematičkih zadataka vrlo malo je prisutan ... -
U nastavi studenata na visokoškolskim ustanovama i studijskim programima elektronsko učenje ima značajnu ulogu. Cilj ovog istraživanja koje je sprovedeno na Alfa BK Univerzitetu u Beogradu je istražiti odnos između ...