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dc.contributor.authorМијовић, Милица
dc.identifier.citationИндустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема TR37016en_US
dc.description.abstractThe whey, protein complex, which is product of milk, shows useful effects in prevention as well as in treatment of many diseases. NFkB is a transcription factor that is activated in response to various stressors and alcohol induced damage in liver is mediated through its elevated expression. On the other side, there is a literature data that p53, which is a tumor suppressor gen, plays a central role in the pathogenesis of alcohol and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The aim of this study was assessment of whey effects on NFkB and p53 protein expression in liver at chronically alcoholised Wistar rats. 28 Wistar male rats were divided into four groups of 6 animals: the control group, the alcohol group (12% ethanol), the whey group (2g/kg per day) and the group treated with alcohol and whey in co-administration during 42 days. HKkB and p53 proteins were measured by SDS-PAGE ind immunoblotting. The results showed statistically significant increase of NFkB protein (p<0.05) in a group of animals treated with ethanol and whey compared tp the group of animals treated with ethanol. There were not changes of p53 protein expression between the gropus of animals. We can suggest that increased level of NFkB could be I sign of benefitial effects of whey applied in co-administration of ethanol because of its dual nature, both in apoptosis and regeneration.en_US
dc.publisherabstract book of meeting of National Physiological Societiesen_US
dc.titleThe Whey effects on p53 and NFkB protein expression in liver of chronically alcoholized wistar ratsen_US
dc.title.alternativeabstract book of meeting of National Physiological Societiesen_US



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