Browsing Природно-математички факултет by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 269
Adsorpcija boje indocijanin zeleno na površini nanocestica srebra i zlata
(Српско хемијско друштво, 2022-06-19)U poslednje vreme intenzivno se ispituju nanočestice metala za primenu u medicini kao nosači lekova i drugih biološki važnih molekula, koji bi poboljšali stabilnost leka i terapeutsku efikasnost. U ovom radu je ispitana ... -
Analiza efekata primene GEOGEBRA-e na praćenje nastave geometrije
Istraživanja su pokazala da uprkos brojnim prednostima primene savremenih tehnologija u nastavi matematike sam proces uvođenja istih u učionice je spor i dosta složen. Upravo iz tih razloga, ovaj rad istražuje mogućnosti ... -
Analiza uticaja različitih građevinskih materijala na nivo radona u kućama starije gradnje
(Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča―Društvo za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 2019-10-04)Грађевински материјали (гранит, песак, шљунак, камен, и др.) садрже природне радионуклиде пореклом из земље. Да би анализирали утицај грађевинских материјала на концентрацију радона у објектима старије градње, спроведено ... -
Analiza visoke koncentracije radona u jednoj kući u rudarskom području kompleksa „Trepča“
Visoke koncentracije radona zabeležene su u jednoj kući u naselju Rudare u blizini rudarskog kompleksa “Trepča”. Ugljeni kanisteri izlagani po 48 sati u julu, novembru i decembru 2019 pokazali su vrednosti koncentracije ... -
Analysis of adaptive e‐learning systems with adjustment of Felder‐Silverman model in a Moodle DLS
(Wiley, 2020-05-07)E‐learning, as a complex system, includes distance learning, teaching materials in various forms and shapes, group and individual learning processes, as well as interactive and tutorial work. To increase the effectiveness ... -
Analysis of ecological territorial risk by methods of multidimensional statistics
В работе рассмотрены водные экосистемы как элементы единой социально природно-техногенной системы, предлагаемой для решения задач управления развитием промышленных территорий. Для оценки территориальных рисков водных ... -
Analysis of geodesics on different surfaces
It is widely known that some surfaces contain special curves as a geodesics, while a lots of geodesics on surface have complicated shapes. Goal of this research is to find on what surfaces are u- and v- parameter curves ... -
Annual effective dose due to ingestion and inhalation of radon in water samples from public fountains in municipality of Kuršumlija, Serbia
In the present study, the water samples were taken from public fountains in rural area municipality of Kuršumlija, in southern part of Serbia. Sampling of water from public fountains began subsequently according to ... -
Antimicrobial activity of new mixed azines of coumarins and heteroaryl aldehydes
The azine functional group is a part of numerous compounds exhibiting a range of pharmacological activities. As part of our continuous search for new pharmacologically active compounds, we designed, synthesized, and ... -
Antioxidant activity and acute toxicity of new unsymmetrical azines containing coumarin and one more heterocyclic moieties
During our previous work, we prepared a series of mixed azines with a coumarin moiety and different benzaldehydes, and tested their acute toxicity and antioxidant activity. Since heterocyclic compounds possess a broad ... -
Anxiolytic-like Action of Selected 4-(Alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarin Derivatives in BALB/c Mice
(Wiley-VHCA AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 2020-06-15)In this work we explored the possible polypharmacological potential of the already established antimicrobials against gastrointestinal pathogens, 4-(alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarins, as antianxiety agents, using a battery of ... -
Application of Electrochemically Synthesized Ferrates (VI) for the Removal of Th(IV) From Natural Water Samples
The efficiency of the application of electrochemically generated Na2FeO4, for the purpose of the elimination of Th(IV) ions from water samples as coagulating agent was investigated. Th is a radioactive element often used ... -
Application of Mann-Kendal (MK) test in trend analysis of air temperature and precipitation: Case of Mačva district (Serbia)
(2020-06-30)Recent climate changes cause significant natural and socio-economic consequences. They represent one of the major environmental problems of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Changes in temperature and precipitation ... -
Application of Mellin Transforms in Determination the Probability Distribution of the Stochastic Volatility Models
In this paper, an application of the Stochastic Mellin Transforms (SMTs) in determination of the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the Stochastic Volatility (SV) models is proposed. In that aim, three basic SV ... -
Application of software packages for demonstration of physics experiments
(2018-10-07)Veliki broj osnovnih i srednjih škola u Republici Srbiji nije adekvatno opremeljen za izvođenje nastave fizike. Tu se pre svega misli na nedovoljnu opremljenost kabineta za nastavu fizike, kojima često nedostaje oprema za ... -
Applications of conductive polymers in modern technologies
(University PIM, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H, 2022-06-02)Polymers are the subject of intensive research and development, not only in science but also in industry. In the last few years, many studies have been conducted on conjugated polymers, and this study of polymers has ... -
Ash radioactivity level and ambient dose equivalent rate in the vicinity of the TPP „Kosovo B“ Obilić.
In this paper, the specific activities of radionuclides in ash and ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in the air in the vicinity of the thermal power plant (TPP) "Kosovo B", Obilić were measured. Five samples ... -
Assessment of air temperature and precipitation trends: case study of Mačva (Serbia)
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, 2021-09-29)Recent climate change causes significant natural and socio-economic consequences. Global climate changes are caused by natural processes and anthropogenic factor. They represent one of the major environmental problems of ... -
The assessment of aridity in Leskovac Basin, Serbia (1981-2010)
(2018-08-25)In the paper, the aridity is defined on the basis of four climate indices: De Martonne's index of aridity, Lang’s Rain Factor and Gračanin’s Rain factor for the vegetation period and hydrothermal coefficient of Seljaninov. ... -
Assessment of Degradation of Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Water by Chlorine Dioxide
The degradation of two sulfonylurea herbicides, nicosulfuron and thifensulfuron methyl in water by chlorine dioxide, was studied for the first time in this paper. In order to examine the optimal parameters for degradation ...