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dc.contributor.authorСтанишић, Славиша
dc.identifier.citationИндустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема TR37016en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The current conferences of integrative medicine at the European and world level have shown that the integration of medicine can improve the quality of health care. NR China's One Belt One Road program aims to share the latest development and achievement of TCM with western medicine professionals from other countries and to help people across the world live a healthier life through integrative medicine. Methods: Modern health care rests on several of its principles. The principle of accessibility is achieved by providing health care to citizens, which is physically, geographically and economically accessible, ie culturally acceptable. The principle of equity is exercised by the prohibition of discrimination based on race, gender, age, nationality, social origin, religion, political or other belief, wealth, culture, language, type of illness. The principle of comprehensiveness is achieved through the inclusion of all citizens and the application of unified measures and procedures, health promotion, disease prevention at all levels, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The principle of continuity is realized through the organization of the health care system, functionally linked and harmonized in terms of levels, and which provides uninterrupted health protection to citizens at every age. The principle of continuous improvement of quality is achieved by measures and activities that, in accordance with the modern achievements of medical science and practice, increase the possibilities of a favorable outcome. Principle of efficiency by achieving the highest level of health care with the lowest spending of resources. Result: Treatment of patients based solely on personal experience and knowledge acquired from textbooks, ignoring the results of the latest, validly conducted studies, is neither professional nor morally ABSTRACTS FOR 11TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 237 acceptable. Integrative evidence-based medicine is a careful, thoughtful use of the best evidence from medical literature in making a decision to treat a particular patient. This means that the individual clinical experience must be integrated with the results of clinical studies, which have been methodologically wellestablished, and whose results have a clinical significance. Integrative evidence-based medicine is the integration of clinical experience, patient value system and the best evidence from literature. Conclusion: Healthcare based on Integrative Medicine implies the extension of the application of evidence-based medicine to the entire health care system, i.e. all professionals involved in providing health care. Disclosure: Author of abstracts, with publication of this abstract, hereby claims that is not a plagiarism and that it is not related with any commercial, propaganda or advertising purposes.en_US
dc.publisherElectro-Therapeutics Research International Journal of Integrated Medicineen_US
dc.titleIntegrative medicine in modern health careen_US
dc.title.alternative11 European Congress for Integrative Medicineen_US
dc.citation.volume43, 3-4
dc.citation.spage185 (Ab 72)

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