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dc.contributor.authorMadić M., Milomirka M., Dragana Đ., Vladeta S., Dalibor T., Milan B., Aleksandar P., Đurović D., Stevović V., Tomić D., Biberdžić M., Paunović A.,
dc.identifier.citation31054 Развој нових технологија гајења стрних жита на киселим земљиштима применом савремене биотехнологије Министарство просвете науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србијеen_US
dc.description.abstractA two year field trial with ten promising native maize hybrids for grain production (Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad), FAO maturty groups 300-600, was set up in the vicinity of Kragujevac (Lužnice site, 44 ° 06 ′ N, 20 ° 49 ′ S, 240 m a.s.l.), on brown forest soil type. The aim of this study was to recommend hybrids for specific agroecological conditions. In both years, sowing was performed at the end of April, of eight rows per elementary plot, at a row distance of 70 cm, and 18 to 25 cm within row, depending on recomended number of plants, in three replicates. During the experiment, standard agricultural measures were applied, excluding irrigation. Owing to a much larger amount and more favorable distribution of precipitation, especially in the critical developmental phases (tasseling - fertilization), the average grain yield of all maize hybrids in 2018 was almost three times higher than in 2017. The most noticeable reaction of hybrids to environmental factors was recorded in the hybrid NS 548 which, as one of the hybrids with the highest yield in 2017, in 2018 had a yield significantly lower than other hybrids. Hybrids ZP 560, ZP 606 and ZP 666 in both years belonged to the group of hybrids with the highest grain yield.en_US
dc.titleGrain yield in maize hybrids of different FAO maturity groupsen_US
dc.subject.keywordsmaize, hybrid, grain yielden_US



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