Now showing items 21-40 of 87

      tetrahedral [1]
      Tetrahydropyrazolopyrazolones [1]
      Tetrahydroquinoline ring [1]
      Thanatophobia, fear of death [1]
      The aim of this study was to establish the effect of different seed treatments on germination, and the growth of the embryonic stem and the radicle of tomato and pepper varieties. Four treatments were used in the study: MIX [(Coveron + zinc (Zn 0.5%) + boron (B 0.025%)]; Coveron; zinc (ZnSO4, Zn 0.5%) and boron (B 0.025%). The treatments were applied on seeds of following four pepper varieties: Šorokšari, Somborka, Kraljica, and Mirtima and three tomato varieties: Rio Grande, Saint Pierre, and Tomato apple of Novi Sad (Novosadski jabučar). Germination and the growth increase of both the embryonic stem (cm) and the radicle (cm) were observed in the germination cabinets and pots containing soil in two laboratories – locations. Af-ter the treatment applied to the pepper seeds and testing in the laboratory germination cabinet the following was established: i) the maximum increase in germination of 90% was when the MIX and Zn treatment was applied to seeds, ii) the growth increase of embryonic stems of 2.7 cm was recorded when the MIX treatment was applied, iii) the growth increase of radicles of 1.7 cm was gained when the Coveron and MIX treatment was applied. Tests performed in pots showed that Coveron was the most efficient treatment. Treatments on tomato seeds during the seed testing in the germination cabinet provided: vi) the germination increase of 13% with the MIX treatment, vii) the growth increase of the embryonic stem of 2.6 cm with the same treatment, vii) the growth increase of 1.7 cm of radicles. Coveron was the most efficient treatment in tests in pots. [1]
      the Brussels Agreement, the Republic of Serbia and the EU, Public International Law, the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia [1]
      the climate change, the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, law obligations and principles. [1]
      The Cu-In-Ni ternary system [1]
      The Kingdom of SCS/Yugoslavia, Soviet Russia, Sazonov, international public law. [1]
      the procedure of enforcement, a public sale, an electronic public bidding, the portal for electronic public bidding, a registered user. [1]
      the process of teaching [1]
      the right not to give birth, reproductive self-determination, voluntary sterilization [1]
      the right to a trial in due time, the right to a fair satisfaction, State Attorney’s Office, a settlement proposal, charges, a verdict. [1]
      the river Ibar [1]
      The ternary Ag-Ge-Sn system [1]
      theory of mind, neurotypical children, children on the autism spectrum, socio-demographic characteristics. [1]
      thermal aging management [1]
      Thermal analysis [1]
      thermal analysis [3]
      Thermal comfort [1]