Now showing items 23-42 of 331


      Vračar, Maja Lj.; Anđelković, Slađana D.; Đurić, Igor R. (Филозофски факултет Београд, 2019)
      Mišljenje i procena učenika o kvalitetu nastavnog procesa predstavlja bitan segment evaluacije kvaliteta nastave u dualnom obrazovanju. U ovom radu prikazali smo neke od rezultata šireg ispitivanja mišljenja učenika ...
    • Methodological challenges of the research of historical sources of the early modern period 

      Elezović, Dalibor M. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2018)
      The paper discusses the issue of methodological challenges in researching the history of the early modern period, in the field of the historical epoch conception and considerations of different contemporary research ...
    • The Myth of Prometheus in the Fiction of William Golding 

      Lončar-Vujnović, Mirjana N.; Šoškić, Radoje V. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2019)
      The following paper strives to clarify the impact that Greek mythology had on the fiction of William Golding, a Nobel Prize winning author and think- er. Throughout this paper, we shall adhere chiefly, though not ...
    • Noble english Woman Adeline Paulina Irby on Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia 

      Atlagić, Marko P.; Martinović, Aleksandar L.; Elezović, Dalibor M. (Институт за српску културу Лепосавић, 2020)
      This paper is about Adeline Paulina Irby, an English lady. She left deep trace and indelible mark in memory of Serbs from Bosnia and Old Serbia (Kosovo and Metohija). Furthermore, it is focused on her journey through ...

      Samardžić, Gligor M. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2019)
      The paper presents the data on the cult of the goddess of Dardania (DeaDardanica) in Kosovo and Metohija. The existence of the cult was authenti-cated in Kosovo and Metohija by votive arae found in the Smira village ...
    • O оријенталним култовима на југу провинције Далмације – неколико примјера из источне Херцеговине 

      Самарџић, Глигор М. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2019)
      На југу провинције Далмације (источна Херцеговина), као и у свим подручјима која су била у саставу Римског царства налазе се споменици који свједоче о религиозности римских грађана. Духовни живот становника на југу провинције ...
    • O традицији земљорадње са југа провинције Далмације 

      Самарџић, Глигор М. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2018)
      У раду се презентују подаци о обрадивим површинама и узгоју поједи-них пољопривредних култура на југу провинције Далмације у античкодоба. Писана изворна грађа и археолошки налази са овог подручја ука-зују на традицију ...
    • ON ANCIENT CULTS FROM THE SOUTH OF THE PROVINCE OF DALMATIA (А few examples from east Herzegovina). 

      Samardžić, Gligor M. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2021)
      Statues that testify about the religiousness of the Roman citizens exist in east Herzegovina (south of the province of Dalmatia) as well as in all areas within the Roman Empire. The spiritual life of the citizens from ...
    • On some forms of desecration of visual symbols of the cultureidentity of the Serbian people in Serbia from the 1990s to date 

      Jovanović, Zoran M. (Serbian Sociological Association; Institute for Political Studies., 2020)
      The focus of this paper is a selection of examples of misuse of some of the most famous works of Serbian sacred and secular visual art, dating from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century, which have been ...
    • On the Beneficiarу Inscriptions in the South of the Province of Moesia Superior (The Examples from Kosovo and Metohija). 

      Samardžić, Gligor M. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2018)
      The paper presents data on consular beneficiary stations in Kosovo and Metohija (the south of the province of Moesia Superior). It is about beneficiary inscriptions which were found near roads which intersected Kosovo and ...
    • The Ontological Loop of John Mighton’s Possible Worlds 

      Jakovljević, Mladen M.; Lončar-Vujnović, Mirjana N. (Филолошки факулет, 2019)
      The worlds in John Mighton’s Possible Worlds , built upon an interplay of ctional reali - ties and scientic theories of the multiverse, question the boundaries between the possible,impossible, ctional and real. The ...
    • Parenting Styles as Predictors of Adolescents’ Self-Efficacy and Subjective Well-Being 

      Pavićević, Miljana S.; Živković, Tijana Lj. (2021)
      Th e aim of the research was to determine the predictive power of parenting styles in predicting subjective well-being and self-effi cacy as aspects of adolescent mental health. Th e sample consisted of 270 students from ...
    • Percy Bysshe Shelley The Neglected Genius 

      Bakić-Mirić, Nataša M.; Lončar-Vujnović, Mirjana N. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2019)
      Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) is considered one of the most prolific poets and, at the same time, the most tragic icon of the Romantic Movement in England. His life and poetry certainly support such argument because ...
    • Personality traits as predictors of affective styles among young people. 

      Davidović Rakić, Jelena I.; Pavićević, Miljana S. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2019)
      The focus of this paper is the understanding of personality traitprediction in anticipating a particular affective style among youngpeople. The sample consists of 171 students from University ofPriština in Kosovska Mitrovica, ...
    • Phenomenological understanding of M. Weber's postulate of subjective interpretation in A. Schütz's work 

      Попић, Снежана (Факултет политичких наука Бања Лука, 2020)
      Maks Veber je, kao utemelјivač razumevajuće sociologije, ostavio bitan uticaj na fenomenološku, odnosno refleksivnu sociologiju. Nјegov koncept razumevanja (Verstehen) dobija modifikovanu ulogu u sociološkim ...
    • Politički procesi na Kosovu i Metohiji u komparativno-istorijskoj perspektivi 

      Tančić, Dragan Lj.; Elezović, Dalibor M. (Институт за српску културу Лепосавић, 2020)
      The paper discusses the issue of political processes in Kosovo and Metohija in a comparative historical perspective. We consider the historical vertical line of processes that followed the political situation of the Serbian ...
    • Povezanost optimizma-pesimizma, nade i zadovoljstva životom kod studenata. 

      Pavićević, Miljana S.; Stoševski, Ana Z. (Filozofski fakultet Niš, 2019)
      Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita odnos optimizma–pesimizma, nade i zadovoljstva životom kod studenata, kao i razlike ovih glavnih varijabli u odnosu na sociodemografskim varijablama (pol, uspeh ...
    • Prediction of social well-being on the basis of value orientations of students of different professional direction 

      Keljanović, Anđela D. (Beograd: Filozofski fakultet, 2018)
      The aim of the research was to determine whether there is a possibility of prediction of well-being based on value orientations of students of different professional orientations. In addition, we wanted to examine the ...
    • Regionalizacija i(ili) beogradizacija Srbije 

      Anđelković, Petar M. (Niš–Zaječar–Pirot: SANU – Fakultet za menadžment – Privredna komora, 2018)
      Ravnomerni regionalni razvoj jedan je od osnovnih prioriteta razvojne politike svake prosperitetne države. Samo kada su svi delovi jedne zemlje približno podjednako razvijeni moguće je govoriti o pravednoj državi. U ...
    • Relations between ethnocentrism and national attachment 

      Petrović, Danijela S.; Pavićević, Miljana S. (Филозофски факултет Косовска Митровица, 2018)
      Belonging and being attached to various social groups such as nationality and ethnicity, can have a significant motivational effect. At the same time, a sense of national attachment can develop into ethnocentrism and ...