Now showing items 21-40 of 112

      Keywords: Serbia, European Union, EU integration [1]
      Keywords:Global education, Dual education, Bolognaprocess [1]
      kindergarten activities, music, educational activities, interdisciplinary team, pedagogical competencies of parents [1]
      Klett, Novi logos, Bigz školstvo, pokazne definicije, definicije upotrebe, opisne definicije, nepotpune logičke definicije, potpune logičke definicije, netačne definicije, nedefinisani pojmovi [1]
      L2 teacher competences, standards of competence, project-based learning, plurilingualism, interculturalism [2]
      Linear interpolation, fractal interpolation, Brownian motion, particles, microstructure [1]
      Management, Education, Digitalization, Covid19 [1]
      mathematics, student, interesting mathematical problems, teaching mathematics, motivation [1]
      metric-like spaces; partial metric spaces; 0-cauchy sequence; F-contractions; strictly increasing [1]
      Microorganisms, biomolecules, Brownian motion, fractals, approximation, error [1]
      Missing data, EM algorithm, Listwise deletion, Missing data analysis [1]
      motor vehicles, car insurance, risk management [1]
      nanocrystallinity, synthetized diamonds, biomaterials, biomimetics, graph theory, thermal parameters [1]
      Nazism, Third Reich, Aryan race, educational activities, eugenics, ideology, occultism, racism, fascism, anti-Semitism [1]
      NBTI, VDMOSFET, electrical circuit, modeling, least square method [1]
      Neural network, intergranular capacity, supervised learning, BaTiO3 [1]
      neural networks, sintering temperature, fractal microelectronics, micro-structure miniaturization, biomimetic [1]
      pedagoški pristup; deca predškolskog uzrasta; muzičke sposobnosti; vaspitač; eksperimentalni program [1]
      pension system, voluntary pension funds, linear regression [1]
      pension system, voluntary pension funds, mathematical model, Lagrange interpolation [1]